Research & Development

Our Research begins with ethno botany/ethno medicine. A team of scientists regularly conduct Ethno botanical tours to various parts of the country recording ethno medical experiences with forest dwellers/tribes. This forms the basis of our research effort. Valuable ethno medical information provides a direction to identifying and isolating lead compounds.
At Amsar, safety begins with the scrutiny of naturally occurring compounds, the doses that ellicit a toxic reaction, chemical and bacteriological contaminants that are normally unchecked. Our products come with underwritten safety in every sense.
With over 30 published papers, Several patents filed Amsar leads the way in developing functional ingredients that don’t just have a chemical marker but the solid proof of efficacy.

Each herb has dozens and more bioactive molecules that are more often than not, synergistic or provide safety to sometimes dangerous substances. Tannins are known to be dangerous to mankind in regular intake, however these compounds are ingested by over half the world’s population everyday without any adverse reactions, we at Amsar work tirelessly to identify these safety mechanisms and synergies that exist in nature. Our extracts bear the original chemical profile of BIOTOPE plants.

Clinical Development
Proof of efficacy can only be made when the product undergoes rigorous clinical trials. This is an area of focus. In an industry that relies entirely on third party claims, which in most cases cannot be validated, we have taken steps to provide clean, valid data under ICH-GCP protocols. Clinical studies are conducted at Government approved centers and current studies include Skin cancer, Inflammation, Hyperglycemia, Osteoporosis, immunological disorders. Amsar works with several organizations such as FONDEF, KLE, SNDT to forward the cause of safe and effective herbal medicine.
Research & Innovation is part of our DNA and has been for over 5 decades. Armed with passion, dedication and an unwavering faith in the ultimate wisdom of nature we continue to delve deep into ethnobotanical, ethnomedical & allied areas of interest including epigenetics
In a nation where the average R & D spend is less than 0.5% of revenues, where less than 1% of all companies in the Pharmaceutical/traditional medicine sector have an active R & D program, Amsar is a torch bearer. When Research & Development was a term for academia, Amsar established India’s first private sector R & D laboratory recognized by the Government of India, in 1979. Nearly 30 years of R & D experience has given Amsar an unparalleled technological advantage that remains miles ahead of anyone today.
At Amsar, science meets tradition in an environment of mutual admiration. We respect the wisdom of the ages, the unquestionable facts of traditional medicine and we bring modern scientific processes to validate the claims made by wise men hundreds of years ago. The claims of traditional texts are indisputable, the consistency of modern day production and the processes employed to produce medicines are increasingly becoming a target for scientific scrutiny. Nature hold’s many secrets and will continue to do so long after the last man has walked this earth. We must ensure that we are not in conflict with nature, Amsar employs technologies that are synergetic with nature, validates and standardizes it and above all maintains the integrity of naturally occurring compounds.
Our exhaustive R & D effort begins with Ethno botanical investigations, understanding traditional claims, subjecting these to chemical and pharmacological scrutiny and then producing an extract that bears exactly the same configuration of naturally occurring compounds as the original plant, but in a concentrated form to enable modern day formulators to deliver valid doses in reasonable presentation.