Withania somnifera extract (Ashwagandha)
Centuries of Ayurvedic medical experience using Withania somnifera( Ashwagandha) have revealed it to have pharmacological value as an adaptogen, antibiotic, abortifacient, aphrodisiac, astringent, anti-inflammatory, deobstruent, diuretic, narcotic, sedative, and tonic. Ashwagandha has been found to provide potent antioxidant protection. Stimulate the activation of immune system cells, such as lymphocytes and phagocytes Counteract the effects of stress and generally promote wellness
Additional information:
The extracts are delivered paraben-free, and low bacterial count without the use of any chemical or gamma treatment. Amsar is a responsible manufacturer providing green eco-friendly extracts and does not discharge solvents, gases or other hazardous materials into the environment.
Latin Name : Withania somnifera
Sanskrit Name : Ashwagandha
Common Name : Winter cherry
Family : Solanaceae
Part Plant Used : Root
Solvent Used : Hydroalcohol
Storage Condition : In Double Sealed PP Bags
Appearance : Brown Powder
Organoleptic Test : Bitter
Odour : Characteristic Odour
Herb Ext. Ratio : 5:1
Total Withanolides : NLT 2.5%
Alkaloids: NLT 0.8%